Sunday, August 11, 2013

English Muffin French Toast W/ Eggs and Fruit!!!

English Muffin French Toast W/ Eggs and Fruit!!!
293 Calories.


1 Cup Cantaloupe Cut (60)
1 English Muffin (110)
1 Whole Brown Egg (70)
1 Egg White from Brown Egg (17)
1 TSP Cinnamon Sugar (15)
1/4 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk (10)
1 TBSP Honey (64)


1. To start you want to mix your egg white, almond milk, cinnamon sugar and honey in a bowl. Note: (The french toast batter will make two servings of french toast but feel free to cut down half the recipe or make enough for two servings for someone else or freeze for later. Total Calories for french toast alone are 162 Calories Per Serving)
2. Heat up a pan to about medium heat and spray with vegetable cooking oil spray and let heat one plan is heated dip slip the english muffin into two sides and dip whole english muffin in batter. Cook from 4-6 min on each side make sure you watch french toast .
Note: ( Time may vary on heat distribution.)
 3. Next split your cantaloupe in half and wrap the unused half up and put away in refrigerator. One half of a cantaloupe should be about a cup but make sure you measure it out.

4. While french toast is cooking cook your egg how ever you would like. I chose to cook my eat sunnyside up hard. Only add a little pepper and salt.
5. When done plate. Also if you want drizzle a little honey on top of french toast. It is very tasty! 


Friday, August 9, 2013

Calamari Stir-Fry

 Calamari Stir-Fry 504 Calories


1 Cup Chopped Mushrooms (53)
1 Cup Thinly SlicedYellow Onion (45)
1 Cup Thinly Sliced Rec Bell Pepper (26)
4 oz (1/4 pound) Calamari Steak (104)
1 TBSP Oyster Sauce (25)
1 TBSP Hoisin Sauce (50)
1 TSP Sesame Oil (40)
1/4 Cup+4 TBSP Warm Water


1. Heat none stick pan with 1 TSP Sesame oil until oil gets hot and smokes a little. Then add onions on high heat and cook for about a minute. Turn down to medium high and add 1 Cup Mushrooms.
Cook mushrooms and onions down until onions are browned (make sure the heat is not to high you don't want onions to burn).

2. Once onions are browned you want to add in 1 Cup and cook half way on how you would like your bell peppers. Meaning come people like them well done sone people like them crunch still it really varies and is up to up so its between 4-7 min.
3. While waiting for bell peppers to cook with onion and mushroom mixture wash and cut calamari steak in to thin slices about 1/8th inch. Then lightly season with pepper.
4. Also while waiting for bell peppers to cook with onion and mushroom get a small bowl to mix sauce. You will mix 1 TBSP Oyster Sauce, 1 TBSP Hoisin Sauce and 4 TBSP of water in a small bowl and mix together well. 
5. When veggie mixture is ready you will pour the sauce in the bowl over the veggies and let cook down until sauce slightly thickens.
6. Now all your attention must be on this part. It will determine on how you calamari comes out cook it too long rubbery to short it will still take fishy and you do not want that. Make sure you are watching the time. When sauce is cooked down slightly you will add the calamari and 1/4th cup water. Cook from 4-5 min and no longer than that. Take small piece off the end to make sure it is done.

 When is done serve it with 2/3 cup of rice! The more rice you put the more calories you get!


My Story

Who Am I???

Hi My name is Lanisha Adams. I am a 22 year old mixed race female on a mission to get my health to where a normal 22 year old should be!

My Background!

Being in the family i live in i've been introduced to love so many types of food. From a young age i was intrigued on how the kitchen worked and even wanted to be a famous chef. And i'm still that way though now i would not so much like to be to famous but just know for cooking. We could say that between friends and family im the one whos cooking and being a mad scientist in the kitchen. Though things may go horribly bad or even great in still in there. Up till i was hit puberty i was very slim and small for my age though my height towered over all my friends i still managed to be skinny at ever.
Once i hit Puberty i couldn't eat what i wanted anymore but still did through out High School i gained weight and lost it depending on the time of the year. But it was not too bad. I was active in softball and that sure did keep the weight off but i was never concerned how much i weighed because what did it matter i was still in a size 9-12 jean and that was not to bad.

After High School i really noticed a huge change. My weight gain would be so unreal that i wouldn't want to go any where or hid out in a sweater and i would get so depressed. My max weight was 250. I would always find ways to hide my weight from the world but it was still under there at the end of the day. For 4 years my body would go up and down and up and down. The lightest i have been in the past 4 years was 198 but i did not do it the right way and ill never do that again. Countless energy drinks and pre work outs, but not on bit of healthy eating. I figured if i sweat enough i can eat what i want. though it worked for me i gained the weight back. Recently this year i dropped 20 lbs. 

But once again life got int he way and i gained back more than i started the previous time. I got feed up and went to see my Dr. I asked him if he could recommend a nutritionist. i Had my appointment and had some great tips. The nutritionist said i could only have 1500 calories a day. 1500 CALORIES A DAY?!?!?!? I was confused. I mean how was i supposed to only eat 1500. Most of my days could max out at 4000. I thought 1500 ill starve. But i then got creative and have been making these awesome meals going by my 1500 Cal plan. And thats why i am her today is to share them with you.

I really encourage for you to share this with others i know some people always have great ideas and we can all help each other.